Social media is one of the many online channels that have only recently gained appreciation from advertisers. It is said that humans have been engaging in social media activities since the origin of postal services, except no one thought it could turn into a multi-billion dollar industry until a couple of decades back. Now, almost every forward-thinking advertiser invests a fortune in wielding social media to their advantage, and there are many reasons for that.
- The worldwide population of social media users is now around 3.196 billion.
- About 95% of adults aged 18-34 follow a brand via social networking. (MarketingSherpa)
- 71% of consumers who have had a good social media service experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others.
- 56 billion social media users are using their mobile devices to check on their accounts. Over 1 million new active mobile social users are added every day.
- In just 1 year, Facebook’s influence on consumers’ online and offline purchases has gone up by 16%. (The Drum)
Hundreds of other data show how social media is fast transforming the internet marketing landscape. If you don’t want to get left behind, you better hop on the bandwagon and start creating your own social media presence. Having said that, it’s not going to be easy. You have to fully understand what social media is and how it works before you can maximise its potential. If you are a reseller looking to upgrade your services, social media solutions are a perfect inclusion.
What is Social Media?
When asked what “social media” is, most people would say Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Although partially true, these websites do not carry the definition of social media. In fact, some websites like Wikipedia, eHow, and Popular Mechanics, although not social media websites, can provide an avenue for social media activity through their commenting features. That’s where the definition of social media becomes confusing.
The best way to truly understand the meaning of social media is to define “social” and “media” separately. Social describes the interaction between individuals, while media refers to the different instruments of communication. Combining the two definitions would give you a clear and simple definition of social media, i.e. instruments of communication that allow individuals to interact with each other.
Why do your clients need to incorporate social media marketing in their strategy?
As a reseller, your goal is to make sure your clients maintain a stable online presence, possibly higher than that of their competitors. To achieve that, you’ll have to make use not just of what tools are available but of what tools are most effective. You’ve probably been offering staple services, such as search engine optimisation, website design and development, as well as online reputation management. It wouldn’t hurt to add one more, especially if it offers a guaranteed boost in your clients’ presence and eventually an increase in conversions, sales and profit.
If you’re still not convinced to include social media marketing in your service package, perhaps you should know exactly how this service can help your clients. Here are some of the reasons why social media marketing is important:
Customer Engagement
The best way for your client to build a long-lasting relationship with their clients is through interaction on a personal level. Posting content online is one thing, but responding to the opinion or reaction of their existing clients or prospects is another. Knowing how people feel about their products or brand will not only allow them to establish trust and confidence, but also to identify areas for improvement as well as issues that need to be addressed, thereby improving customer satisfaction.
Wider Reach at Low Cost
While most online marketing channels are capable of boosting your client’s presence when utilised properly, some produce faster and more measurable results than others. Social media is among these better-performing channels. It can swiftly spread information about your client’s business and you can see results almost instantly though metrics like tweets, likes, shares, and comments. This will give you an idea which methods are working and which are not.
Consistent Results
A rule of thumb in social media is that if you keep your content relevant and shareable, you will be able to gain massive following, and that following will allow you to maintain a high reach no matter what your future content may be. This means that you will only need to put so much effort during the following-building phase. Once you’ve managed to help your client establish some kind of reputation, which has led to substantial following, your client will be viewed as an authority and their followers will keep sharing or reacting to the content you make for them.
Enhanced SEO Rankings
You probably didn’t notice but social media content is also indexed on search engines, particularly on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. If you think your SEO efforts for your client are not pushing their website to a higher ranking on search engine, then try posting content and marketing for them on social media. Maybe when their content goes viral, you’ll also manage to make your client appear first on search engines. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone.
Why You Need White Label Social Media Services
As easy as it may sound, social media marketing is just as complicated as other online marketing solutions that you already have in your service package. It’s possible that you already know this and it’s the reason why you are reluctant to offer it. Perhaps you lack the resources to support this addition to your services or you are not so confident with your current social media marketing skill. This is where white label social media marketing services come in.
A white label digital marketing company like White Label Club can help you perform all your social media marketing tasks efficiently. They have the right resources to meet if not exceed the needs of your clients. Whether you need content that conveys powerful message or an all-inclusive white label social media platform that gives you full control of your client’s social media activity, they can deliver. With the help of a white label digital marketing agency, you can outperform your competitors without investing in additional facilities and workforce, which are costly to acquire and maintain.